Chcąc zapewnić Państwu jak najbardziej rzetelne informacje dot. cen naszych usług oraz nie chcąc wprowadzać Państwa w błąd, nie podajemy ich na stronie. Są one zależne od bardzo wielu czynników. Prosimy o telefon lub kontakt przez poniższy formularz - udzielimy Państwu wszystkich niezbędnych informacji, a także postaramy się pomóc w przypadku wątpliwości i spraw formalnych. Rodzina zmarłego nie jest w jakikolwiek sposób absorbowana w procesie sprowadzenia zmarłej osoby do Polski.

International Transport of Corpses

Respectful transportation from the place of death is a vital element of funeral procedure. It is always extremely important for the family that their deceased loved ones are treated with due respect. It is also essential to transport the corpse as quickly as possible, especially when the passing happened in a foreign country.

The organization of international transport of corpse requires completing several necessary formalities and contacting numerous institutions. The procedure seems complicated and the requirements often turn out to be an impossible barrier for the family. To meet your needs and expectations, we offer swift international transport of corpses in all of Europe. Thanks to years of experience we are perfectly aware of all the formalities to be completed. Our services take the burden of organization off the family.

When choosing Walkiewicz Funeral Services Company you can be sure of our efficiency, respectful treatment of the deceased, and swift transport of the corpse to the resting place.

By completing the contact form you can find out the estimated cost of the international transport of corpse from the place of death.

Common directions of transport
  • England

  • France

  • Germany

  • Holland

  • Belgium

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Contact and Address
Fa Walkiewicz
International Transport of Corpses Hades-Walkiewicz Greater-Poland Funeral Services Company

Questions? Write to us.

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